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New – SuperLab X5 with Eye Tracker Support

Jul 4, 2015

Cedrus is very pleased to announce our brand new product, SuperLab X5, which combines the awesomeness of SuperLab 5 with support for eye trackers from SensoMotoric Instruments (SMI) and Tobii.

SuperLab X5 provides live integration with SMI and Tobii eye trackers, allowing a researcher to easily build gaze contingent experiments. For each trial, SuperLab X5 sends the coordinates of areas of interest (AOIs) to the eye tracker, which in turn informs SuperLab X5 when the gaze is inside one of these AOIs.

Further, when you start an experiment with a participant, SuperLab X5 provides eye tracker calibration on the fly, eliminating the need to go back and forth between your stimulus presentation computer and the eye tracker.

When no eye tracker hardware is present, SuperLab X5 provides an eye tracker emulation mode using the mouse, so a researcher can work away from the lab.

When used with SMI’s BeGaze software, SuperLab X5 makes available a screen snapshot of the trial. With this feature, BeGaze will overlay the screen snapshot with a heat map of the participant’s eye gaze.

SuperLab X5 has been in private beta testing for a few months and is now available for public beta testing. Even if you do not currently have an eye tracker, you can still use the mouse emulation feature to try it out.

The integration with eye tracker hardware is currently implemented on the Windows version only. Integration with Tobii is planned for the Macintosh version (SMI does not yet offer a Software Development Kit (SDK) for the Mac).

SuperLab X5 will cost $3,995. The final version will be available this October.

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